Talking about

puberty and menstruation can be an uncomfortable and intimidating conversation for both parents and their daughters. But it doesn’t have to be. With the right approach and communication, you can have a meaningful discussion about these topics that will help your daughter feel more comfortable and prepared for the changes she will experience.
First, it’s important to let your daughter know that puberty is just a normal part of growing up. This can help her realize that it’s nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of. You can use other milestones she has already passed through, such as losing her teeth or getting taller, to help her understand that this is just another part of life.
When talking about puberty, it’s important to use real, anatomical words such as “vagina,” “vulva,” “breasts,” and “menstruation.” This can help reduce confusion and shame, and prevent her from using wrong terms or feeling uncomfortable about her body.
It’s also important to stay calm and relaxed when talking about these topics. Your feelings and reactions will be noticed as much as your words, so it’s important to project an attitude of openness and acceptance.
Finally, be open to questions. If your daughter has a question that you don’t know the answer to, it’s okay to say, “That’s a good question. Can I take a little time to get back to you with an answer?” This can help her know that it’s okay to ask questions, and that you are willing to work together to find the answers.
Talking about puberty and menstruation can be a challenging conversation, but with the right approach and communication, you can help your daughter feel more comfortable and informed about these changes. Make sure to use real terms, stay calm, and be open to questions. With these tips, you can help your daughter navigate the changes of puberty with confidence.