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Period Poverty, No More.

Brighter Future, Ahead.

What We Do

At Princess and a Pad, we are driven by our strong commitment to ensure that young women everywhere have access to the basic necessities and resources they need to reach their full potential. We understand that period poverty and lack of access to sanitary products can be a substantial barrier to achieving success, so we are working to eliminate it. To achieve our mission, we offer mentoring and guidance, host Puberty Tea Parties to educate young women about their bodies, and organize School Supply Drives to ensure that all students have the supplies they need. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to reach for their dreams, and we are passionate about making that a reality.

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Puberty Tea Party

We are committed to equipping girls with the menstrual hygiene supplies they need, so they can pursue their education without being hindered by a lack of period products.

Prom Dress Giveaway

Princess and a Pad believes that every girl deserves to look and feel beautiful on her prom night.

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School Supply Drive

Throughout the school year we provide essential school supplies to help ensure kids have the necessary resources to succeed in their studies.

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Mentor Program

We’re empowering girls with mentor programs that provide support and guidance to help them reach their full potential.

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